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Pet Pupcake + Green Side Piping with Flowers & Polka Dots

Pet Pupcake + Green Side Piping with Flowers & Polka Dots

Product Details:
Size: 5.5cm cupcake size


Ingredients (Sugarless chiffon): Eggs, Rice flour, Corn flour, Vegetable oil, Goat milk powder Ingredients (Frosting): Cream cheese, Tofu

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Selected pupcake color with green pipings, polka dots and flower designs. Pet head is not included. Wordings on cake is complementary. For further customisations or clarifications, kindly whatsapp 96970053 (operating hours: 10am-6pm).

Min. 2 days (48hrs) lead time.


Multiple pupcakes purchased will be packed together. Kindly WhatsApp our sales team if you'd like us to pack them individually.
